Thursday 12 June 2008

Britney to Film Radar Clip in London

Britney Spears is set to film the video for her next single 'Radar' on the streets of London next week.

Brit's former manager Larry Rudolph, whom she allegedly sacked after he forced her to go to rehab, told the New York Post about the video.

"The theme is her and her girlfriends are going to be looking all around London trying to find a boy who she met in a club. Every time they think they have him, it's someone else."

"She will be behind the camera as much as possible - she wants to make sure it's exactly right."

Rudolph also believes that Britney is closer than ever to a massive musical comeback. "She's in an amazing position for a comeback right now. She could end up being the biggest comeback in history."

Meanwhile Britney apparently made a cameo appearance in the video for the new Pussycat Dolls single 'When I Grow Up'.

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